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About The Department

The Scientific and Research Committee (SRC) was constituted to improve the quality of research undertaken in Shridevi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Hospital, Tumakuru and to encourage students and staff of the various departments to publish in reputed journals. The research proposals generated at SIMS&RH need to have the approval of the Scientific and Research Committee before being submitted to the Ethics Committee. After the approval of the SRC, the proposals are referred to the Ethics Committee for consideration.


  1. The SRC aims to provide timely, critical appraisal and guidance to the research proposals submitted for review.
  2. To promote scientific, professional and ethical standards.
  3. To facilitate publication of scholarly work in reputed journals of high impact.
  4. To promote research acumen.
  5. To create awareness regarding research methodology, funding opportunities, research grants and fellowships.
Department Infrastructure and Facility


Sr. No. Committee Member Designation
1 Dr. M L Harendra Kumar, Principal, SIMS & RH Chairman
2 Dr. Rekha Gurumurthy, Professor & HOD, OBG, SIMS & RH Member
3 Dr. Soumya K., Professor, Microbiology, SIMS & RH Member Secretary
4 Dr. Pradeepkumar Vegi, Chied Administrative Officer, Coordinator – Research & Development, SIMS & RH Member
5 Dr. Syed Sadat Ali, Professor, Physiology, SIMS & RH Member
6 Dr. Kavyashree N G, Professor & HOD, Anaesthesia Member
7 Dr. Naveen, Professor, General Medicine, SIMS & RH Member
8 Dr. Mounesh Pattar, Professor, Pediatrics, SIMS & RH Member
9 Dr. Roopashree S, Associate Professor, Microbiology Member
10 Dr. Naveen, Professor, General Medicine, SIMS & RH Member
11 Mr. Ninganagouda, Biostatistician, SIMS & RH Member
12 Dr. Arun Kumar, Biostatistician Member


  1. The SRC meeting will be held tentatively on the 4th Tuesday of every month from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm subject to availability of research proposals for review.
  2. The meeting notice will be issued on the 1st Tuesday of every month.
  3. The Principal Investigators should submit the research proposals in the prescribed format to the committee by the 3rd


  1. The Principal investigator is required to present the research proposal to the committee on the day of the meeting.
  2. Format for presentation: Microsoft PowerPoint.
  3. Duration of presentation: 10 minutes.
  4. The committee members will be given a template to note down their comments. The comments for each proposal will be compiled and communicated to the concerned principal investigator.
  5. The Principal Investigator has to incorporate the changes if any in the proposal and resubmit the proposal to the committee.
  6. The proposals approved with modifications have to be submitted as one hard copy with the changes highlighted along with a soft copy that has to be mailed to
  7. The corrected proposal should be submitted along with a covering letter enumerating the comments from the SRC, with point to point reply to the comments and where the revision (mention the page) has been highlighted
  8. The SRC reviews the revised proposals and forwards them to the IEC for consideration.