This programme covers all preclinical, para-clinical and clinical disciplines through theory classes and clinical training as mandated by the MCI guidelines.

• A minimum attendance of 75% in theory and practical sessions separately is mandatory. Students will be barred from writing examinations if attendance is found to be less than 75%.
• Maintaining discipline in the campus is of utmost importance. Those who are found violating the rules will be subjected to punishment.
• Ragging in any form is strictly forbidden and those found indulging in such activities will be expelled from the institution and criminal proceedings lodged against them.
• The parents/guardian will be informed of the student’s behavior and progress from time to time.

Guidance and Advice

The Medical Council consists of different committees like the Disciplinary Committee, Ethical Committee, Executive Committee, CME Committee, and Computerization Committee & Accounts Committee. Each of this Committee has its own functions and duties. Doctors who are registered with Medical Council have many rights and privileges, at the same time, these medical professionals have to follow the code of ethics & standards of good practice set up by the Medical Council for the treatment of patients.

Dress Code

White coat and name tag are mandatory for both boys and girls.
Men: Clean shaven (except on religious grounds), formal shirts and trousers with tie, and shoes.
Women: Sari/ Salwar Kameez